You Are the Church - not just the ministry staff

“You know what is a good idea? Our church should have a grocery delivery service for the elderly! … “

Around the country right now, pastors, ministers, and other leaders are hearing a lot of ‘great ideas’ on how to serve the community during the pandemic. Yet, when it comes time to implement these ideas… they stand alone, with maybe one or two volunteers, for a couple hours, every month or so.

What happened to all the enthusiasm in the discussion of the ‘great idea’? Where did everyone go?

Sadly, there is a prevalent mentality that only full time staff of ministries and organizations are supposed to lead and work in service of these ministries. To rely on the spiritual leaders to do all the acts of service and ministry would be to attempt to operate the Body of Christ while paralyzed from the neck down. This is not an effective approach for the Church to demonstrate God’s love to our neighbors.

Matthew 9:37-38 “Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

Each of us is called to invest our time, talent, and resources towards Kingdom based service for those around us, and in our spheres of influence. The parable of the servants with 1, 2, and 5 ‘talents’ (money) and how they invested those gifts from their master is a direct example of how God has invested in us, and wants us to invest in others. Don’t be like the servant who buried his investment.

I Peter 4:10 “ As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.”

You don’t have to have a theology studies degree, or a spiritual sounding title, to mow lawns, pick up groceries, or set up daily Skype calls for elderly and vulnerable who are facing the greatest risk and challenges. You don’t have to be a ordained minister to donate funds to a single parent who can’t afford to keep the utilities on while out of work. You, just the way you are, can serve others when they need it the most, right now.

Focus on your strengths and apply them as acts of love towards others weaknesses. There is a church in Colorado that has called on the young and healthy to set aside time to work in their food rescue program that feeds hundreds of families a week. Some ministers are calling for those whole are financially secure to pray about setting aside significant portions of the stimulus money to build a fund to directly help those who are financially struggling during this season. One organization has set up a phone line for elderly to order groceries, as a simpler and more familiar method than trying to order online or on phone apps. Several groups are creating a list of people to check-in with everyday to help with their mental health. There are many ways to help, to invest, to love your neighbors. The question really is, how will you choose to serve?

John 12:26 “If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.”

So the next time you have a great idea on how to love your neighbor, take the initiative, find like minded people, commit some of your time, your skill, and your resources to making it happen. I think you will be surprised at how rewarding and life giving it can be, especially during this crisis.