A Note from the Board

First off, thank you. No matter what way you choose to support us, it means the world that you believe enough in our vision and mission to get this far and read what we have to say. 

Out of Rubble is a 501(c)3 corporation, meaning that we are a non-profit organization. We are not sponsored by any particular denomination and we do not charge for most of the services we provide. In fact, as you may have noticed, we don't even have any ads on the site to help off-set costs. It is very important to us that we preserve our integrity as an unbiased and impartial third-party organization that acts as a common forum for the variety of other ministries that work together to demonstrate God’s love by serving local communities during crisis. 

Furthermore, we do not take an administrative percentage from crisis-marked donations, nor do we hold onto the donations to accrue interest before distribution of the donation to fund the organization. We want crisis and disaster donations to be used expressly for supporting the local community as quickly as possible. To learn about how to we use those donations, check out the ‘Donate’ page.

In order for Out of Rubble to continue to maintain the organization (administrative costs, website, insurance, labor, etc…) and services it provides (disaster and crisis grant funding, subject matter expert consulting, resource support, networking, etc…) we are completely dependent on your donations marked ‘Administrative’. This may seem risky, but we believe in the vision God has given us and that He will provide all that is needed to achieve that mission. 

The mind of man plans his way,
            But the LORD directs his steps.
 - Proverbs 16:9

ways to support out of rubble

After all that build up, you are surely begging us to get to the point. There are three equally important ways to support the mission to help ministries, businesses, and organizations to demonstrate God’s love to their hurting communities during crisis and disasters: 



First and foremost, Out of Rubble is a ministry. In order for our organization to fulfill its role, we will need to lean on God's love, strength, and perseverance. Make no mistake, your prayers are absolutely vital to the success of our mission. 

"Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much." - James 5:16



Since we do not have much of a marketing budget, it is up to you to spread the word about what we do and how we can help. Talk to your ministers and friends about our mission. We try to update our website with interesting articles and videos, and we have made it as easy as possible to share our content via multiple social media outlets. Also, we would love to speak to groups that you organize and share what God is doing and how they can get involved.

"A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed" - Proverbs 11:25



We believe money is one of the tools that God uses to accomplish his purposes, and we believe that he has charged all believers to invest it wisely for him. We ask that you take some time to chat with God and ask him if Out of Rubble would be a wise investment of the resources he has entrusted to you. If the answer is YES, then click on the link below to help us reach our administrative funding goals [see below] either through one time gifts or reoccurring donations. 

"Invest in seven ventures, yes, in eight; you do not know what disaster may come upon the land" - Ecclesiastes 11:2


Administrative Funding Goals

Current Phase: Cover Overhead Costs

This includes the website, the domain, the social media platforms, the communication systems, the incorporation, the financial and documentation requirements, the hardware, the software and programs, etc. Even running a small efficient organization like this still takes an incredible amount of infrastructure. 

Coalition Target: 1-3 Coalitions of 2 or more organizations each.

Funding Goal: $1,000 /mo.

Next Phase: Build Local Coalitions

We are already doing this, but it helps to have some funds to be used for engaging the local ministries, churches, and believers to come together and support their communities during crisis. This means encouraging them to set up coalitions, meeting with crisis organizations to add to the network, and being on-call for emergencies. It will require at least a part time paid Coordinator to oversee and coordinate these relationships and help navigate the complexities of cross organizational support during active incidents.

Coalition Targets: 3-5 Coalitions of 5 or more organizations each.

Funding Goal: $5,000 /mo.